Resume Preparation
- Use a standard paper size (8 1/2” x 11”), a normal color (white or cream), and high-quality paper with matching cover letter and envelope. Do not photocopy, as it looks unprofessional.
- Resume should generally be no longer than one page.
- Make sure it is clear, and easy to read and understand.
- Do your resume on a computer so that it can be easily changed.
- Always mail your resume instead of faxing unless requested to do so.
- Always be honest.
- Sound interesting, yet be simple and straightforward.
- Focus on what’s good about you. Mention any volunteer work you have done or special awards you might have received. Focus on key words such as skills, functional job titles, and duties performed.
- Do not include references with your resume, but be prepared to give them in an interview. (References should be notified that they have been used as a reference so they can expect the call. Prepare them for the call by letting them know what you want them to say about you. Have them mention your skills or any other information you want the prospective employer to know.)
- Letters of recommendation/reference are generally not highly regarded due to abuses such as fraud and dishonesty.