Tag Archive: job interview

Questions for Your Interviewer

April 10, 2015

It’s the hardest part of every interview – and unfortunately, it can make or break your chances. It’s the dreaded “And do you have any questions for us?” and it can be incredibly intimidating. The first secret to success is simple: You should always have a few questions stored in  ... Read More

Interviewing Tips

December 11, 2013

You spent hours crafting the perfect resume and cover letter, searching, and applying for jobs. Your hard work has paid off, and now you have an interview scheduled with a prospective employer. You have researched the employer and prepared your outfit, but now what? Here are some of our tips  ... Read More

Three Great Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

November 7, 2012

  Job interviews almost always end the same way: with the interviewer asking, “Do you have any questions for me?” Too many people make the mistake of responding with, “No, I think we’ve covered everything I need to know.” Not having questions prepared is one of the biggest mistakes job  ... Read More

Make the Most of Your Job Search Downtime

September 5, 2012

    “What have you been doing since leaving your last job?” If you’ve been out a work for a few months or more, you’re likely to hear this question in a job interview. You’re probably thinking of the obvious answer, which is, “Duh, I’ve been looking for a job!”  ... Read More

Don’t Just Select Your Interview Outfit – Prepare It!

August 14, 2012

A common interview question is, “How do you feel about adhering to a dress code?” The answer to this question is often already answered by your choice in interview attire. Even if you know for a fact that you will only be required to wear a T-shirt and jeans in  ... Read More

Interviewing – Mind the Details

July 3, 2012

You’ve selected a professional outfit, you’ve rehearsed the tough questions, and you’ve done your research on the company. You’re completely prepared for your interview. Or are you? The old saying “The devil is in the details” definitely holds true when it comes to job interviews. Here are a few items  ... Read More