
6 Tips for Landing a Job Post-Graduation

November 18, 2016

Maybe you are realizing that graduation is in the near future. Maybe you have yet to consider this reality. Maybe you are very aware of this reality and your job search has already begun. No matter where you sit on this scale, we are here to help with a list of 6 tips for landing a job post-graduation.

1. Start Early. The job search takes longer than one would imagine. The earlier you begin this process, the better off you will be.

2. Utilize career services at your college or university. The people who work in this office are trained professionals who can help with editing your resume, identifying prospective employers and coaching you for interviews.

3. Gain valuable experience. College grads are expected to have work experience. Period. The more experience you have, the better you’ll understand what you enjoy as well as what you desire from a career. This is attractive to employers.

4. Build, cultivate and use your network of contacts. Job-seekers with a large and strong network of contacts tend to have access to more job opportunities. Networking is essential to job-search success.

5. Attend career fairs. Take advantage of the career fairs that your college or university puts on. It is also good to be aware of nearby career fairs that you can attend. These events are an opportunity to seek out jobs, enhance interviewing skills and build your network of contacts.

6. Follow up with hiring managers. Following up with the hiring manager after a career fair or interview shows your interest. This can involve writing a thank you note, reaching out via email or calling to follow up.

For more tips for landing a job after your graduation visit our website!


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