
Career Resolutions in the New Year

December 26, 2014

Get excited about your career goals for 2015! Here at Dallas Employment Services we are here to help you prepare, so that you can get going this new year! Here are some tips and resolutions to add to your list:

Map out your career
This year write down what you want to accomplish in your current job or in finding another. Make sure to be specific and don’t be afraid to dream big. “If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs” Tony Gaskins. Write down a road map of where you want to be in a year, five years, and ten years. If you never think of your goals, you are less likely to work towards them.

Update your resume
Whether you are currently looking for a job or not, keeping an up to date resume is important. This will help you be prepared for any opportunity that may arise! Whether this is a new job or maybe some position outside of work, it is important to keep track of your achievements in a resume format.

Help someone new
This can be someone at work that you normally don’t interact with or helping an organization in your community. Not only does helping others impact your self-esteem as well as your happiness, but it may be proven to help you live longer. Either way, helping others will brighten your day, as well as theirs. Start by doing something small, asking someone at work if they could use an extra hand, volunteer once a month at a food bank or pick up some litter at your local park. Keep doing this throughout the year and you might find yourself happier than ever and with a more rounded resume.

This is just a short list of things you can do to help your career in 2015. For more tips visit our blog and for anything else check our website.

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