
Social Media Tips For Job Seekers

September 21, 2016

Make your social media a tool for landing your next job. Allow it to enhance you rather than letting it become a barrier during your job search. If you believe that your social media could be a hindrance to you, the following tips will serve you well.

Clean up your social
Take off inappropriate photos, political or potentially offensive posts, off-color jokes and all photos related to drinking or drug usage. Employers will check your personal accounts to gain information on you before they hire. Cleaning up your social accounts is the first step in making your social media a great tool.

Make it Professional
As you take steps to have your social accounts actually enhance you and aid you in your job search, professionalism is important. Be sure that your pictures show off your personality and reveal who you are. This coupled with some posts about industry news will not only show employers that you are up-to-date with current issues, but it will give them a sense of who you are as a person.

Use Social as a Tool
Utilize social media sites that can help you connect with others in your field. LinkedIn is a great site for connecting with industry or networking groups and can be a tool for finding a job through people you know. You can find networking groups in your city or maybe even your neighborhood!

If you are still having a tough time with social media check out our infographic and for more help finding a job make sure you have joined our talent network!

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