
Steps to Make Your Job Hunt a Little Easier

July 17, 2015

Searching for a new job is difficult and tedious. Trust us, we know. The good news is we have some great tips that will make your job search a little easier. Answer these questions to help figure out what your best job opportunities would be.

What are your skills?

Finding out what you’re good at is great place to start when you’re looking for a job. Obviously you wouldn’t want to work for IT company when you don’t know anything about technology, right? Once you figure out your talents, you can start cutting your list of potential jobs down exponentially. If you’re stuck and can’t really pinpoint what you can bring to the workforce, career counseling is always available to you also.

What is your lifestyle and personality?

This next step will take some research. Check out some of the companies or jobs on your list and see what they’re like. Is the wording on their website more serious or laid back? What’s their history and their overall image? Check out pictures of the workspace if any and see how it makes you feel. It’s really nice to have a work environment that you feel comfortable working in. That being said, there will be times when you are gaining experience where your job might not match your dream and won’t fit your dream environment 100%. Asking people with the same or similar job that you’re interested in about how much they enjoy their work environment will also be useful.

Network, network and network.

The more contacts you have the merrier! You’ve done some research on jobs that interest you the most so now it’s time to put yourself out there. First, create LinkedIn profile if you don’t already have one. Getting on a professional online network is a great to keep track of who you’re interested in, who’s hiring and you’ll have access to group discussions and webinars if interested. Keep up with upcoming networking events and become known to those potential employers! And be sure to network with as many as you can, you never know when the people you’ve met could help you in the future.

Be patient and be positive!

We all know how aggravating and stressful job hunting can be but don’t lose hope! You might be thinking, “I’m never going to find a job” or “they probably won’t even hire me”. Not true! You will find a job but it does take time so it’s good to be patient and eventually, that lightbulb in your head will turn on. And having a negative attitude when job searching will only make it harder on you. So be positive and optimistic job hunters!

In need of more help on your job search? Look at the DES website and try joining our talent network!


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