Tag Archive: hiring tips

What 2016 Graduates Can Expect Upon Entering the Workplace

March 25, 2016

A career insight survey conducted by AfterCollege shows that only 14% of college seniors have jobs lined up after college, which means that the vast majority will have to continue searching for jobs after graduation. A poll conducted by Accenture consulting company compared the responses of 2014 graduates with the  ... Read More

Employers – Move Quickly on Those Hot Candidates!

March 18, 2016

Desired and qualified applicants are being hired faster than ever! Recent studies indicate that the No. 1 reason why candidates turn down a job opportunity is because the company didn’t offer a position quickly enough. In fact, nearly 40 percent of those surveyed have rejected a job opportunity because they  ... Read More

Social Media as a Recruitment Tool

September 26, 2014

Dallas Employment Services has everything you need to know about social media as a recruitment tool! Is Social Media the Recruitment Genie You’ve Been Searching For? In short, no, social media is an excellent tool, but not the best way to recruit. It would seem like a great environment, there  ... Read More