Tag Archive: employer

TalentRooster and Dallas Employment Services

May 9, 2014

We are proud to announce that we will now be using TalentRooster in addition to our normally offered services to make finding the perfect employees or perfect job that much easier! But what is TalentRooster and how can it help you? TalentRooster is, essentially, an online pre-interview system available for  ... Read More

Cleaning Up Your Social Media

April 18, 2014

Social media can be an excellent resource for expressing yourself, storing photos and memories, and communicating with friends and family. However, inappropriate content on social media can be detrimental to your job search. According to Forbes, close to 40 percent of employers check applicants social media before deciding to hire  ... Read More

What’s Luck Got to Do With It?

March 7, 2014

The 17th of March is St. Patrick’s Day, a holiday famous for four leaf clovers, green beverages, and the celebration of Irish culture. In addition, St. Patrick’s Day and the entire month of March are known for being characteristically lucky. But if you’re an employer looking to hire the best  ... Read More