Tag Archive: interview advice

7 Tips For a Great Career Fair

January 26, 2016

Career fairs can be a daunting environment, especially if it’s your first one. Don’t let a hectic environment cause you to miss out on great opportunities. We have some good tips to help you navigate your next job search. Bring Your Resume Print off multiple copies of your resume. You’ll  ... Read More

Dress To Impress

April 29, 2015

You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again: what you wear to an interview affects how the interviewers perceive you. It may seem like a basic rule of thumb, but as the times change, the rules change as well. Here’s how to stay up-to-date on what’s appropriate and what’s  ... Read More

Questions for Your Interviewer

April 10, 2015

It’s the hardest part of every interview – and unfortunately, it can make or break your chances. It’s the dreaded “And do you have any questions for us?” and it can be incredibly intimidating. The first secret to success is simple: You should always have a few questions stored in  ... Read More