Tag Archive: Goals

Improving Yourself in the Workplace

September 25, 2015

With September being Self Improvement Month, it’s a great time to find new ways to improve yourself. Continuously improving yourself can provide immense benefits, including improving your self-worth and growing your self-confidence. There are a plethora of areas that you can work to improve yourself – but one forgotten area  ... Read More

Keeping a Healthy Career-Style

September 18, 2015

In September of 2014, The Washington Post published an article stating that the average work week for an American has reached an all-time high of forty-seven hours. Americans are now spending more time in the workplace than ever before. Not only is this astonishing, but it stresses the importance of  ... Read More

Steps to Make Your Job Hunt a Little Easier

July 17, 2015

Searching for a new job is difficult and tedious. Trust us, we know. The good news is we have some great tips that will make your job search a little easier. Answer these questions to help figure out what your best job opportunities would be. What are your skills? Finding  ... Read More

Career Resolutions in the New Year

December 26, 2014

Get excited about your career goals for 2015! Here at Dallas Employment Services we are here to help you prepare, so that you can get going this new year! Here are some tips and resolutions to add to your list: Map out your career This year write down what you  ... Read More

Recent Grads: Land the Job.

February 15, 2013

  You’ve just graduated from college. You are fresh faced and ready to take on the big wide world of adulthood. You, and the rest of your fellow graduates, are all running to job boards, searching for their big break. How are you supposed to stand out from the rest?  ... Read More

Career Goals for the New Year

January 2, 2013

  Have you made any resolutions for the new year? This is the time of year when many resolve to lose weight, stop smoking or stop biting their nails. It’s also a time when many people stop and re-evaluate their career goals. Getting a promotion or getting a new job  ... Read More

Welcome to Hollywood

December 2, 2011

What’s Your Goal? Everyone has a Goal. Right? Did you know that people who write down their goals earn nine times as much over their lifetime as the people who do not? I read a statistic the other day that 80% of all Americans don’t have goals. Sixteen percent have  ... Read More