Tag Archive: temporary work

Temporary Holiday Work

December 18, 2015

Contrary to popular belief, the job search doesn’t slow down during the holiday season! In fact, it actually picks up! Both clients and candidates are looking for temporary workers to meet the seasonal demand and help keep their business running smoothly. This holiday season, see how DES can help your  ... Read More

Hiring For The Holidays

November 27, 2015

The holidays have finally arrived, and the craziness has ensued. Everybody is busy, but now more than ever businesses need their employees to keep everything running smoothly. However, this time of year is often when employees take time off. If that’s the case – don’t fret! Let DES help! Here  ... Read More

Clients! We’re here to help!

August 21, 2015

One of the most important things in having an amazing company is having a team of employees! But how do you make sure that the employees you’re hiring are actually the right fit for your company. Here’s ways you can be sure to find excellent candidates! One of the ways  ... Read More

Temporary Work and the Post-Grad

May 22, 2015

Finding employment straight out of college can be tough. And with a just a small amount of experience under your belt, it can be even tougher. So what’s a recent grad to do? According to the International Labor Organization, about “75 percent of all workers in the world are employed  ... Read More