Tag Archive: job advice

Tailor Your Resume For Any Position

January 26, 2017

One simple way to score an interview is to tailor your resume to fit the job. Sounds easy enough, right? Here are some quick tips to prepare your resume for the position you want: Understand the Job and Necessary Qualifications Read over the job description to ensure that you understand  ... Read More

Attention 2016 Job Seeking Grads

May 27, 2016

It is time! Time to get a real job and begin the next chapter of your life. The only issue is, getting a job. As a recent grad, the job search can be tricky. Everyone is looking for the same thing and it seems like they have more experience than  ... Read More

Steps to Make Your Job Hunt a Little Easier

July 17, 2015

Searching for a new job is difficult and tedious. Trust us, we know. The good news is we have some great tips that will make your job search a little easier. Answer these questions to help figure out what your best job opportunities would be. What are your skills? Finding  ... Read More

Professional Attire

March 27, 2015

Congratulations, you landed a job! Now that the hard part is over, it’s time to focus on one of the many fun parts of professional life: dressing the part. Regardless of your career path, your gender, or your position within a company, it is always important to present yourself in  ... Read More

Career Resolutions in the New Year

December 26, 2014

Get excited about your career goals for 2015! Here at Dallas Employment Services we are here to help you prepare, so that you can get going this new year! Here are some tips and resolutions to add to your list: Map out your career This year write down what you  ... Read More

Prepping for the New Year Job Search

December 23, 2013

Prepping for the New Year Job Search Though the holidays are not the best time for finding a job, they are the best time for preparing your job search. You can get a step up on the competition and find a wonderful job opportunity while other job hunters are still  ... Read More

Three Great Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

November 7, 2012

  Job interviews almost always end the same way: with the interviewer asking, “Do you have any questions for me?” Too many people make the mistake of responding with, “No, I think we’ve covered everything I need to know.” Not having questions prepared is one of the biggest mistakes job  ... Read More

Don’t Just Select Your Interview Outfit – Prepare It!

August 14, 2012

A common interview question is, “How do you feel about adhering to a dress code?” The answer to this question is often already answered by your choice in interview attire. Even if you know for a fact that you will only be required to wear a T-shirt and jeans in  ... Read More

Things You Should Leave Off of Your Resume

August 1, 2012

  When hiring managers look at resumes, there is certain information they expect to find, such as experience, skills and education. But many people go a step or two too far and include include items on their resumes that don’t need to be there, and in fact may turn off  ... Read More