Tag Archive: LinkedIn

Social Media and Your Career

January 30, 2015

When beginning your job search, it’s important to remember to clean up your social media presence for potential employers. In this day and age, it is common practice for recruiters and employers to survey someone’s social media before offering a job or even an interview. Facebook: With such a large  ... Read More

Social Media as a Recruitment Tool

September 26, 2014

Dallas Employment Services has everything you need to know about social media as a recruitment tool! Is Social Media the Recruitment Genie You’ve Been Searching For? In short, no, social media is an excellent tool, but not the best way to recruit. It would seem like a great environment, there  ... Read More

Cleaning Up Your Social Media

April 18, 2014

Social media can be an excellent resource for expressing yourself, storing photos and memories, and communicating with friends and family. However, inappropriate content on social media can be detrimental to your job search. According to Forbes, close to 40 percent of employers check applicants social media before deciding to hire  ... Read More

Prepping for the New Year Job Search

December 23, 2013

Prepping for the New Year Job Search Though the holidays are not the best time for finding a job, they are the best time for preparing your job search. You can get a step up on the competition and find a wonderful job opportunity while other job hunters are still  ... Read More

Updating Your LinkedIn

November 27, 2013

Keeping a professional LinkedIn account is very important. Employers now often take social media accounts into consideration when choosing the best candidate. LinkedIn is a great place to show off your experience and skills to get you a job. Here are some tips to make your LinkedIn profile the best  ... Read More

Use Social Media to Your Advantage

June 12, 2013

  Most of us are connected through social media in one way or another. Whether you’re just on Facebook or several outlets, social media can be a great tool in landing your next job. Here some tips and tricks to help you take full advantage of your pages. 1. Clean-Up  ... Read More

Career Goals for the New Year

January 2, 2013

  Have you made any resolutions for the new year? This is the time of year when many resolve to lose weight, stop smoking or stop biting their nails. It’s also a time when many people stop and re-evaluate their career goals. Getting a promotion or getting a new job  ... Read More

Are You a Groupie?

November 20, 2012

If you are on LinkedIn and have a profile that is 100% complete, pat yourself on the back. You are ahead of the game. If you want to get even further ahead, however, you should be joining and participating in relevant LinkedIn industry groups. Participating in LinkedIn groups offers several  ... Read More