Tag Archive: hiring

What 2016 Graduates Can Expect Upon Entering the Workplace

March 25, 2016

A career insight survey conducted by AfterCollege shows that only 14% of college seniors have jobs lined up after college, which means that the vast majority will have to continue searching for jobs after graduation. A poll conducted by Accenture consulting company compared the responses of 2014 graduates with the  ... Read More

Employers – Move Quickly on Those Hot Candidates!

March 18, 2016

Desired and qualified applicants are being hired faster than ever! Recent studies indicate that the No. 1 reason why candidates turn down a job opportunity is because the company didn’t offer a position quickly enough. In fact, nearly 40 percent of those surveyed have rejected a job opportunity because they  ... Read More

Is Dallas Employment Services Right For You?

October 31, 2014

So you are looking for a search and recruiting firm. What makes a good fit and what will you find here at DES? There are a few things you should know before making your decision! We show our candidates depth. Anyone can Google for candidates. We thoroughly interview our candidates  ... Read More

Make the Search Quicker!

October 17, 2014

Are you tired of taking forever to find a candidate? Here at DES we have found a way to simplify and make the employment process a little easier so that you can spend less time searching, and more time doing. Job Orders Once you make the big decision to start  ... Read More

Social Media as a Recruitment Tool

September 26, 2014

Dallas Employment Services has everything you need to know about social media as a recruitment tool! Is Social Media the Recruitment Genie You’ve Been Searching For? In short, no, social media is an excellent tool, but not the best way to recruit. It would seem like a great environment, there  ... Read More

Temporary Work? Temporary Hire!

September 12, 2014

Many times in the business world projects are set up with a beginning, middle and end. With the end in sight, why would you go through the process of hiring someone permanent. Why not hire someone temporarily for a temporary position. At DES we understand that sometimes you need an  ... Read More

Client-Focused Social Media Recruiting

June 26, 2014

At DES we pride ourselves on being a client-focused brand in all aspects of the job placement spectrum. Specifically, we recruit the best and the brightest applicants in order to best serve our clients’ needs. One of the most modern and effective tools we use throughout the recruiting process is  ... Read More

Need Someone Temporarily? It’s Your Lucky Day!

March 28, 2014

We understand that everyone you hire should be a top notch decision, even if it is only for a short time. We guarantee the performance of each temporary placement and if our employee does not perform to your expectations, notify us within the first four hours and there will be  ... Read More

Would You Hire You?

October 16, 2013

You have made it past the phone interview, and now it’s time for the in-person interview with the head hiring manager. Your suit is back from the cleaners, you’ve rehearsed the tough questions, and you’ve researched the company until your brain was sore. What is your attitude, though? Are you  ... Read More

Resume Tips

August 14, 2013

Recruiters and hiring managers read hundreds of resumes, so how will your resume “wow” employers? While what stands out to one recruiter might not stand out to another, there are universal qualities that define an outstanding resume. Try these tips to revamp your resume before applying for jobs: 1. Be  ... Read More

Things You Should Leave Off of Your Resume

August 1, 2012

  When hiring managers look at resumes, there is certain information they expect to find, such as experience, skills and education. But many people go a step or two too far and include include items on their resumes that don’t need to be there, and in fact may turn off  ... Read More