Tag Archive: Dallas

Customer Service/Event Staff – Wholesale Event!

July 8, 2016

DES is seeking several Contract Customer Service / Event Staff for our client hosting a wholesale fashion event in Downtown Dallas on Thursday, July 14th. Our client is a well-established wholesale event company and is seeking Customer Service / Event Staff to ensure all guests receive exceptional service and attention,  ... Read More

10 Things to do in Dallas this Summer

June 24, 2016

We love Dallas. The hot Texas weather is here and we created a list of things to do this summer, whether you are looking for an outdoor adventure or indoor activity. There is so much to do in Dallas but here are some of the highlights of everything you must  ... Read More

Executive Assistants & Office Managers Career Fair

June 23, 2016

When Tuesday, June 28, 2016 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Where Dallas Employment Service 750 N St. Paul Street, Suite 1180 Dallas, TX 75201 For questions or pre-fill and application, please call 214-954-0700 Calling all Executive Assistants & Office Managers: DES is seeking Executive Assistants and Office Managers with Bachelor’s  ... Read More

What 2016 Graduates Can Expect Upon Entering the Workplace

March 25, 2016

A career insight survey conducted by AfterCollege shows that only 14% of college seniors have jobs lined up after college, which means that the vast majority will have to continue searching for jobs after graduation. A poll conducted by Accenture consulting company compared the responses of 2014 graduates with the  ... Read More

Employers – Move Quickly on Those Hot Candidates!

March 18, 2016

Desired and qualified applicants are being hired faster than ever! Recent studies indicate that the No. 1 reason why candidates turn down a job opportunity is because the company didn’t offer a position quickly enough. In fact, nearly 40 percent of those surveyed have rejected a job opportunity because they  ... Read More

Hey, Candidates!

February 19, 2016

Are you considering making a move from your current job? DES can help you find your next opportunity! We have a large variety of valuable resources to help you apply for your next career change. Resume and interview assistance Here at DES, we know exactly what employers are looking for  ... Read More

Dallas for the Holidays

December 11, 2015

Grab your mittens and coats, winter is here! The holiday season is upon us and there’s no better place to celebrate than Dallas. Whether you’re looking for something fun to do with your family or planning a date night with your significant other, Dallas has a wonderful variety of things  ... Read More

DES and The Future!

October 23, 2015

At DES, we pride ourselves on our industry experience. Founded in 1965, we have been in the search and recruiting industry for over 50 years and are one of the oldest and most successful search and recruiting firms in the Southwest. We have been recognized by The Texas Association of  ... Read More

Good News For Candidates!

August 28, 2015

Dallas is booming and we’re blessed to be a part of it! There’s no doubting that Dallas is one of the greatest places to be and for many reasons! From the gorgeous skyline to cheering for the Cowboys to chowing down on the Tex-Mex, no wrong can come from this  ... Read More

Dress To Impress

April 29, 2015

You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again: what you wear to an interview affects how the interviewers perceive you. It may seem like a basic rule of thumb, but as the times change, the rules change as well. Here’s how to stay up-to-date on what’s appropriate and what’s  ... Read More

Listen Up, Grads!

March 19, 2015

Post-graduate life can be incredibly stressful, as recent college graduates learn to navigate the ups and downs of “real life.” With the stresses of finding a place to live, meeting new people, and living independently, there is plenty to worry about without having to find a job. But the post-grad  ... Read More

Love Your Candidates

February 13, 2015

With Valentines just around the corner, we thought we talk a little about love. Here at Dallas Employment Services, we want you to love each and every one of your employees! We work hard to find ideal candidates for your business needs. To do this, we’ve developed a multi-step strategy  ... Read More

Dallas For the Holidays!

November 28, 2014

The holidays are here, and what better way to get in the spirit than exploring all the festive activities Dallas has to offer? We have compiled a list of the Top 5 things to do in Dallas this holiday season! 1. Attend the Dallas Children’s Health Holiday Parade This year  ... Read More

Temporary Hire Services

April 25, 2014

Temporary hire employees are highly beneficial to companies looking to fill a position for a limited period of time. Maternity leave, illness, or an unexpected situation can leave a hole in your staff. As the name suggests, temporary employees can fill these positions at a moments notice for the short  ... Read More

Resumes That Work For You in 2014

January 8, 2014

With the new year in full swing, your job search should be back in action as well. For this year’s job search, you need to be sure your resume is above the rest. Your resume should be effective and well-organized. Here is how you can fix up your resume for  ... Read More

Interviewing Tips

December 11, 2013

You spent hours crafting the perfect resume and cover letter, searching, and applying for jobs. Your hard work has paid off, and now you have an interview scheduled with a prospective employer. You have researched the employer and prepared your outfit, but now what? Here are some of our tips  ... Read More

Updating Your LinkedIn

November 27, 2013

Keeping a professional LinkedIn account is very important. Employers now often take social media accounts into consideration when choosing the best candidate. LinkedIn is a great place to show off your experience and skills to get you a job. Here are some tips to make your LinkedIn profile the best  ... Read More

New Workplace Trends

November 13, 2013

Forbes recently published a list of the top ten workplace trends of 2013. The list is compelling, interesting, and worth taking a look at in order to learn more about the current job market! Here are the top ten workplace trends of 2013: 1. Millenials will rise up. The influx  ... Read More

Would You Hire You?

October 16, 2013

You have made it past the phone interview, and now it’s time for the in-person interview with the head hiring manager. Your suit is back from the cleaners, you’ve rehearsed the tough questions, and you’ve researched the company until your brain was sore. What is your attitude, though? Are you  ... Read More

Top 5 Reasons to Move to Dallas

September 12, 2013

When deciding where you want to find a job, there are many things to consider. Whether you are a sports fan, a shopper, an art enthusiast, or someone who just wants to live in a booming, business-friendly town, Dallas has it all. Economy MSN considers Dallas to be the third  ... Read More

Resume Tips

August 14, 2013

Recruiters and hiring managers read hundreds of resumes, so how will your resume “wow” employers? While what stands out to one recruiter might not stand out to another, there are universal qualities that define an outstanding resume. Try these tips to revamp your resume before applying for jobs: 1. Be  ... Read More

Good News: Job Growth Explodes in DFW

May 22, 2013

  Jim Nill, the new general manager of our beloved Dallas Stars, isn’t the only one in this town with an exciting new job. Job growth in the DFW metroplex has exploded in 2013, which is great news for all of you job hunters out there! Fort Worth holds the  ... Read More

Making Your Resume Shine

April 10, 2013

  As you can probably guess, the job market is very competitive right now. Employers get stacks of resumes every day and look at a resume an average of six seconds before deciding to toss it or not. Worried that yours might not make the cut? Here are some helpful  ... Read More

Exercising Non-Verbal Communication Skills in a World of Technology

March 27, 2013

    Today’s technology has no doubt made a heavy impact on social interactions. Rather than call, we text or send a Facebook message. Instead of walk across the office, we use online chat or email. While all of these are examples of verbal communication, only the voice-to-voice and face-to-face  ... Read More

Why Work in Dallas?

March 20, 2013

    As new college graduates are getting ready to embark on the journey of life, many are wondering, “Where do I go?” The answer is, “Why not Dallas?” Enriched with culture, history, and dozens of entertainment options, Dallas has a lot to offer new grads. Dallas has an unemployment  ... Read More