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How to Prepare for an Interview

May 2, 2017

Remember how you felt before your first day of school? Nervous, yet excited? You probably had your best outfit laying out, your backpack packed and waiting by the door, and anxiously ready to get there way too early. If you somehow relate to this scenario, getting ready for your first  ... Read More

Perfecting The Art Of Writing Cover Letters

February 24, 2017

Put yourself in the shoes of an employer– flipping through resume after resume, reading about generally the same kinds of experience and skills listed in every application. It’s probably got to feel very monotonous after awhile, right? Well, this makes for the perfect opportunity reach out and grab a potential  ... Read More

Tailor Your Resume For Any Position

January 26, 2017

One simple way to score an interview is to tailor your resume to fit the job. Sounds easy enough, right? Here are some quick tips to prepare your resume for the position you want: Understand the Job and Necessary Qualifications Read over the job description to ensure that you understand  ... Read More

6 Tips for Landing a Job Post-Graduation

November 18, 2016

Maybe you are realizing that graduation is in the near future. Maybe you have yet to consider this reality. Maybe you are very aware of this reality and your job search has already begun. No matter where you sit on this scale, we are here to help with a list  ... Read More

Social Media Tips For Job Seekers

September 21, 2016

Make your social media a tool for landing your next job. Allow it to enhance you rather than letting it become a barrier during your job search. If you believe that your social media could be a hindrance to you, the following tips will serve you well. Clean up your  ... Read More

Customer Service/Event Staff – Wholesale Event!

July 8, 2016

DES is seeking several Contract Customer Service / Event Staff for our client hosting a wholesale fashion event in Downtown Dallas on Thursday, July 14th. Our client is a well-established wholesale event company and is seeking Customer Service / Event Staff to ensure all guests receive exceptional service and attention,  ... Read More

10 Things to do in Dallas this Summer

June 24, 2016

We love Dallas. The hot Texas weather is here and we created a list of things to do this summer, whether you are looking for an outdoor adventure or indoor activity. There is so much to do in Dallas but here are some of the highlights of everything you must  ... Read More

Executive Assistants & Office Managers Career Fair

June 23, 2016

When Tuesday, June 28, 2016 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Where Dallas Employment Service 750 N St. Paul Street, Suite 1180 Dallas, TX 75201 For questions or pre-fill and application, please call 214-954-0700 Calling all Executive Assistants & Office Managers: DES is seeking Executive Assistants and Office Managers with Bachelor’s  ... Read More

Resume Refresher

June 10, 2016

It’s been a long time since you have looked at your resume. You aren’t even sure what it looks like, but you know that it is not professional and needs some work. You don’t have any experience, but you can’t get any experience without a great resume. Don’t worry, we  ... Read More

Attention 2016 Job Seeking Grads

May 27, 2016

It is time! Time to get a real job and begin the next chapter of your life. The only issue is, getting a job. As a recent grad, the job search can be tricky. Everyone is looking for the same thing and it seems like they have more experience than  ... Read More

The Do’s and Don’t of Dressing for an Interview

April 22, 2016

First impressions are generally formed within the first 30 seconds of meeting someone. In order to ensure your first impression is a great one, make sure you’re dressed the part! Here are the do’s and don’t of dressing for your next interview: Do: Take company culture into account. Visit their  ... Read More

What 2016 Graduates Can Expect Upon Entering the Workplace

March 25, 2016

A career insight survey conducted by AfterCollege shows that only 14% of college seniors have jobs lined up after college, which means that the vast majority will have to continue searching for jobs after graduation. A poll conducted by Accenture consulting company compared the responses of 2014 graduates with the  ... Read More

Employers – Move Quickly on Those Hot Candidates!

March 18, 2016

Desired and qualified applicants are being hired faster than ever! Recent studies indicate that the No. 1 reason why candidates turn down a job opportunity is because the company didn’t offer a position quickly enough. In fact, nearly 40 percent of those surveyed have rejected a job opportunity because they  ... Read More

Hey, Candidates!

February 19, 2016

Are you considering making a move from your current job? DES can help you find your next opportunity! We have a large variety of valuable resources to help you apply for your next career change. Resume and interview assistance Here at DES, we know exactly what employers are looking for  ... Read More

Finding Quality Candidates in a Booming Job Market

February 5, 2016

With such a recent economic boom in Dallas, new industries and companies there are emerging and increasing exponentially. With so many companies to compete against, quality employees are becoming harder to find. But don’t despair, DES is here with the expertise and technology to help you find quality candidates! Founded  ... Read More

Resolutions for Your Work Life

January 22, 2016

It’s not too late to start some New Year’s Resolutions. A great place to start could be your work environment. These could be small changes to help make your work day a little better but those little changes can make all the difference in 2016! Decrease Stress Make sure you  ... Read More

Temporary Holiday Work

December 18, 2015

Contrary to popular belief, the job search doesn’t slow down during the holiday season! In fact, it actually picks up! Both clients and candidates are looking for temporary workers to meet the seasonal demand and help keep their business running smoothly. This holiday season, see how DES can help your  ... Read More

Dallas for the Holidays

December 11, 2015

Grab your mittens and coats, winter is here! The holiday season is upon us and there’s no better place to celebrate than Dallas. Whether you’re looking for something fun to do with your family or planning a date night with your significant other, Dallas has a wonderful variety of things  ... Read More

Hiring For The Holidays

November 27, 2015

The holidays have finally arrived, and the craziness has ensued. Everybody is busy, but now more than ever businesses need their employees to keep everything running smoothly. However, this time of year is often when employees take time off. If that’s the case – don’t fret! Let DES help! Here  ... Read More

How to Have a Healthy Relationship With Your Recruiter

November 20, 2015

Working with a recruiter is exciting and an amazing opportunity for you to grow in your professional career. Being recruiters ourselves, we are thrilled when we find the perfect match between candidates and employers. However, in order for us to be able to find the perfect match for both candidates  ... Read More

How Technology You Use Daily Can Help Your Job Search

October 27, 2015

With today’s world revolving around technology, it’s no wonder that employers utilize technology, specifically social media, when looking for qualified candidates. Social media offers the employer an opportunity to learn about a candidate beyond their resume and cover letter. A candidate’s Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn account gives an employer  ... Read More

DES and The Future!

October 23, 2015

At DES, we pride ourselves on our industry experience. Founded in 1965, we have been in the search and recruiting industry for over 50 years and are one of the oldest and most successful search and recruiting firms in the Southwest. We have been recognized by The Texas Association of  ... Read More

Improving Yourself in the Workplace

September 25, 2015

With September being Self Improvement Month, it’s a great time to find new ways to improve yourself. Continuously improving yourself can provide immense benefits, including improving your self-worth and growing your self-confidence. There are a plethora of areas that you can work to improve yourself – but one forgotten area  ... Read More

Keeping a Healthy Career-Style

September 18, 2015

In September of 2014, The Washington Post published an article stating that the average work week for an American has reached an all-time high of forty-seven hours. Americans are now spending more time in the workplace than ever before. Not only is this astonishing, but it stresses the importance of  ... Read More