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4 Ways To Be Productive While Job Hunting

July 28, 2017

Job hunting can be a long and stressful process, but it doesn’t have to be unproductive. This newfound free time should be taken advantage of. Searching for a job requires a plan of action for how you will spend your time so that it is not wasted. When you feel  ... Read More

Questions Candidates Should Ask at an Interview

June 15, 2017

One of the most common mistakes candidates make during the interview process is not having questions (and backup questions) prepared for the end of an interview. Not only does asking questions impress your potential employer, it also shows interest in the position. On top of that, you’ll leave the interview  ... Read More

Perfecting The Art Of Writing Cover Letters

February 24, 2017

Put yourself in the shoes of an employer– flipping through resume after resume, reading about generally the same kinds of experience and skills listed in every application. It’s probably got to feel very monotonous after awhile, right? Well, this makes for the perfect opportunity reach out and grab a potential  ... Read More

Tricky Interview Situations

February 17, 2017

Think you’re all ready to go in for an interview? Sometimes, even when we think we’re fully prepared, sticky situations come into play and you might go into panic-mode. Here are some common situations that can be thrown your way, along with how to best prepare for them. When they  ... Read More

Tailor Your Resume For Any Position

January 26, 2017

One simple way to score an interview is to tailor your resume to fit the job. Sounds easy enough, right? Here are some quick tips to prepare your resume for the position you want: Understand the Job and Necessary Qualifications Read over the job description to ensure that you understand  ... Read More

7 Tips For a Great Career Fair

January 26, 2016

Career fairs can be a daunting environment, especially if it’s your first one. Don’t let a hectic environment cause you to miss out on great opportunities. We have some good tips to help you navigate your next job search. Bring Your Resume Print off multiple copies of your resume. You’ll  ... Read More

Accounting Career Fair

January 22, 2016

When Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Where Dallas Employment Service 750 N St. Paul Street, Suite 1180 Dallas, TX 75201 Calling all Accountants: DES is seeking Accountants with Bachelor’s degrees in Accounting or Finance, CPA’s or CPA Candidates. We have several new openings in all fields  ... Read More

Resumes That Work For You in 2014

January 8, 2014

With the new year in full swing, your job search should be back in action as well. For this year’s job search, you need to be sure your resume is above the rest. Your resume should be effective and well-organized. Here is how you can fix up your resume for  ... Read More

Why Should You Hire a Recruiter?

September 25, 2013

Companies dread nothing more than when a valued employee leaves and a replacement must be found. Countless hours are lost creating job placement ads, weeding through applicants, interviewing, negotiating, and the list goes on. Many times, just trying to find qualified applicants is next to impossible. A reputable recruiter can  ... Read More

Top 5 Reasons to Move to Dallas

September 12, 2013

When deciding where you want to find a job, there are many things to consider. Whether you are a sports fan, a shopper, an art enthusiast, or someone who just wants to live in a booming, business-friendly town, Dallas has it all. Economy MSN considers Dallas to be the third  ... Read More

Interviewing for a Temporary Position

August 28, 2013

When interviewing for a temporary position, keep in mind that this interview is just as important as that of a permanent position. This interview could lead to other (more permanent) job opportunities in the company. Plus, with the job market becoming so competitive, temporary jobs are not as easy to  ... Read More

Resume Tips

August 14, 2013

Recruiters and hiring managers read hundreds of resumes, so how will your resume “wow” employers? While what stands out to one recruiter might not stand out to another, there are universal qualities that define an outstanding resume. Try these tips to revamp your resume before applying for jobs: 1. Be  ... Read More

Hiring Temps: Things to Consider

July 31, 2013

With healthcare laws changing, the shifting economy, and the change in the job market, employers are seeking to hire on a temporary basis, rather than permanent. Hiring temporary workers has risen by more than 50% since the recession ended (Source: Are you part of this statistic? Whether you are  ... Read More

For Clients: Is Company Culture Your Focus?

July 10, 2013

  How important is company culture within your leadership program? With the slowly shifting job market and the millennials taking over the working majority, companies are finding that company culture is becoming increasingly important. People are looking to get more out of their job than just a paycheck these days,  ... Read More

Top 5 Ways to Not Get the Job

June 27, 2013

  When it’s interview time, it’s easy to be stressed and frantic. We often forget so many of the most basic essentials of a job interview in the excitement of the callback. Here are some ways to ensure you will forfeit your chances of landing the job. 1. Dress to  ... Read More

Use Social Media to Your Advantage

June 12, 2013

  Most of us are connected through social media in one way or another. Whether you’re just on Facebook or several outlets, social media can be a great tool in landing your next job. Here some tips and tricks to help you take full advantage of your pages. 1. Clean-Up  ... Read More

Good News: Job Growth Explodes in DFW

May 22, 2013

  Jim Nill, the new general manager of our beloved Dallas Stars, isn’t the only one in this town with an exciting new job. Job growth in the DFW metroplex has exploded in 2013, which is great news for all of you job hunters out there! Fort Worth holds the  ... Read More

10 Tips for Managing Stress

May 8, 2013

    Everyone has stress in their lives, but sometimes the added pressure of trying to find a job piles on even more stress, which can cause high blood pressure, migraines, chest pain, and more. Here are some tips to manage stress effectively and still keep your job search going  ... Read More

5 Job Search Mistakes You Could Be Making

April 24, 2013

    Have you been on countless interviews, applied for tons of jobs, and still aren’t getting any results? It may be because you are making some common mistakes that a lot of people make on their resumes and in their job hunt. Here’s some job search mistakes that you’re  ... Read More

Making Your Resume Shine

April 10, 2013

  As you can probably guess, the job market is very competitive right now. Employers get stacks of resumes every day and look at a resume an average of six seconds before deciding to toss it or not. Worried that yours might not make the cut? Here are some helpful  ... Read More

Exercising Non-Verbal Communication Skills in a World of Technology

March 27, 2013

    Today’s technology has no doubt made a heavy impact on social interactions. Rather than call, we text or send a Facebook message. Instead of walk across the office, we use online chat or email. While all of these are examples of verbal communication, only the voice-to-voice and face-to-face  ... Read More

Why Work in Dallas?

March 20, 2013

    As new college graduates are getting ready to embark on the journey of life, many are wondering, “Where do I go?” The answer is, “Why not Dallas?” Enriched with culture, history, and dozens of entertainment options, Dallas has a lot to offer new grads. Dallas has an unemployment  ... Read More

The Curveball

February 22, 2013

  As many HR managers and job seekers have noticed, new trends are popping up in the hiring process. A new and increasingly popular approach is to deviate from the standard interview questions and ask questions that seem to be off the beaten track. For example, instead asking the interviewee  ... Read More

Recent Grads: Land the Job.

February 15, 2013

  You’ve just graduated from college. You are fresh faced and ready to take on the big wide world of adulthood. You, and the rest of your fellow graduates, are all running to job boards, searching for their big break. How are you supposed to stand out from the rest?  ... Read More

Career Fairs: Be Prepared.

January 16, 2013

  Looking for a new career or job? Career fairs are great places to not only find out about new opportunities, but to also to network with fellow job seekers and industry experts. However, you do not want to go in blind and unprepared. Here are some tips to help  ... Read More